Face to Faith No.107
Face to Faith No.106
Face to Faith No.105
Face to Faith No.104
Face to Faith No.103
Face to Faith No.102
Face to Faith No.101
Sermon from the November 2018 issue of “Konkokyo-ho: Ametsuchi”
Taught and Guided by the Faith of Our Parents
By the Rev. Nobuko Akedo
Konko Church of Sen’nan
(From the November 2018 issue)
The Faith of My Husband’s Parents
I do goyo (selfless service for Kami/God) at the Konko Church of Sen’nan, located in the far south of Osaka Prefecture, in Japan. I am originally from the Konko Church of Kinosaki in Hyogo Prefecture. My father is the Second Head Minister of the Kinosaki Church, and I lived with my parents for the first 22 years of my life. During my upbringing, my parents taught me to be kind to others, to never stop smiling in difficult situations, to pay devotion to my parents-in-law even if I didn’t really feel like doing so, to ask the senior ministers of the Sen’nan church for Toritsugi Mediation on each of the things I had to do, and follow their guidance. 続きを読む