2011 KCNA Conference in Santa Barbara, CA

This year’s KCNA conference was hosted by the Los Angeles Church and was held at the University of California, Santa Barbara. The theme for the conference this year was Toritsugi Mediation: what is it, why we do it and how we do it.

The keynote speaker was Futaba Takashima, a believer from the South San Francisco Propagation Hall, about her introduction to Mediation and how it changed her and her family’s lives. This was Futaba’s first conference, and her presentation was absolutely wonderful. We are all so thankful she and her family could join us!

A new feature at this year’s conference was a Minister’s Panel, where most of the KCNA ministers prepared little speeches about their thoughts on Mediation, or something they wished the group to realize. It was a very interesting and useful feature, and also opened up a lot of discussion.


I believe everyone had an amazing time at this year’s conference, as we always do. There were lots of great discussions during the discussion time, and everyone enjoyed catching up with old friends. The next conference will be hosted by the Sacramento Church, and it will be focusing on “the Konko Faith: Our Creed” and its meaning and purpose. We look forward to seeing you there!!

Reported by Ms. Stephanie Laite,
Konko Church of Toronto
